Basics of Ukulele Videos 1+2

Basics of Ukulele Video #1: 

Hello! Here is a link to my first video on the basics of playing the ukulele. I wish we could be learning this in person, but I’ve done my best to recreate our lessons digitally. Please note: Due to the nature of cameras, what you see me doing will be the opposite from what you are doing! Follow the directions I say when holding the ukulele and you will be good to go! 

Ukulele Video #1


Basics of Ukulele Video #2: 

Here is the link to the second ukulele video, where we learn how to finger our first chord, C! Please note: Due to the nature of cameras, what you see me doing will be the opposite from what you are doing! Follow the directions I say when holding the ukulele and you will be good to go! I have also included a picture showing where to put your sticker on your ukulele stick or ukulele in more detail.

Ukulele Video #2